Friday, April 30, 2010

True Story

So...we were in the car yesterday heading home from the park...all 5 of us. Our back seat is full of babies. Codie sits behind the driver, Mia in the middle and Coop behind the passenger. I feel bad for Mia because she gets the blunt of all Codie's "playfulness." It was kind of sweet though, Codie and Mia were playing...Codie was laughing big belly laughs and Mia occasionally chimed in with a good laugh too. I thought to myself, "that's so fun that they are playing with each other." Little did I know that Codie Rae had kicked her shoes off and had her FOOT up in Mia's FACE was sticking her TOES in Mia's MOUTH! OMG. No, I don't have a picture. You'll just have to use your imagination.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Codie Rae's favorite dancing outfit

Side View

Front View

Back View

Action Shot!

This is Codie Rae. She is great! Full of fun and surprises!
She loves to dress up and she loves to dance.
If she can combine these two loves into the same activity
then you'll see her rise to a whole new level of

Sometimes she insists on wearing a dress the way it was intended, all zipped up and bows tied. Other times she will invent new ways to wear her clothes!
You go girl!

Anyone seen Toy Story 2?

For those who have kids and stay home with them all day, every day, you'll understand that you get to a point where you start to quote lines from kids movies. This particular picture reminds me of Toy Story 2- if you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for? It's a classic! Anyway, at the very end of the movie, Woody is being saved from Stinky Pete and in an effort to teach Stinky Pete a lesson on being loved by a child, they put him in a little girls backpack. When the little girl finds Stinky Pete she puts her barbie doll in next to him and the barbie says to SP, "You'll like Amy, she's an artist." As she says that, she turns her head to reveal half of her hair is cut off and half her face is drawn all over! SP's reaction: "Ahhhhhh!"

So, when I see this I think, "You'll like Codie Rae, she's an artist!"

A hand full!

A common response I get when I am out running errands with my sweet children is, "wow, you must have your hands full." Indeed the understatement of the century. In my opinion, each child requires at least two hands...therefore I must conclude that I have more handfuls then I have hands. This means that you may occasionally see me use my feet, my hips, elbows, legs, shoulders, and head to corral my children. Yep, I bet you wish I posted a picture of that!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just this morning...

Codie Rae is two and three quarters...and just this morning already I found her sitting behind a chair in the living room with a knife and our tub of butter spread helping herself. Yes, eating butter off the knife.
Then I found her in our stamps. When I walked up to her she said, "Look mama, sicks!" Which translates to "Look mom, stickers."
All before 9:30. This is going to be a good day, I can just tell.